Youthful Disposability In Fiction, Historical, Literary Fiction Y When you’re young, you think everything you do is disposable. Bohumil Hrabal – I Served the King of England Purchase Now Bohumil Hrabal I Served the King of England FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Embrace Life In Fiction, Historical, Literary Fiction E Life is here to be lived. Bohumil Hrabal – I Served the King of England Purchase Now
Priests’ Beer Choice In Fiction, Historical, Literary Fiction P The best beer is where priests go to drink. Bohumil Hrabal – I Served the King of England Purchase Now
The Waiter’s Patience In Fiction, Historical, Literary Fiction T And because I was a waiter, I waited. Bohumil Hrabal – I Served the King of England Purchase Now
Money’s Rhythm In Fiction, Historical, Literary Fiction M We’re all dancing to the rhythm of money. Bohumil Hrabal – I Served the King of England Purchase Now
Solitude in Thoughts In Fiction, Historical, Literary Fiction S There are times when a man needs to ride the train of his thoughts alone. Bohumil Hrabal – I Served the King of England Purchase Now