Unforeseen Outcomes In Comedy, Fiction U The aim was to whip the mountain into submission. The result was somewhat different. W.E. Bowman – The Ascent of Rum Doodle Purchase Now The Ascent of Rum Doodle WE Bowman FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Ability in Mountains In Comedy, Fiction A In the mountains, there are only two grades: You can either do it, or you can’t. W.E. Bowman – The Ascent of Rum Doodle Purchase Now
Role of Luck In Comedy, Fiction R Success is only a matter of luck. Ask any failure. W.E. Bowman – The Ascent of Rum Doodle Purchase Now
Inspiration from Mountains In Comedy, Fiction I The experienced mountaineer is not intimidated by a mountain—he is inspired by it. W.E. Bowman – The Ascent of Rum Doodle Purchase Now
Constant Effort In Comedy, Fiction C Constant effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential. W.E. Bowman – The Ascent of Rum Doodle Purchase Now
Embracing Challenges In Comedy, Fiction E A challenge is an opportunity to prove your ability to yourself, and others. W.E. Bowman – The Ascent of Rum Doodle Purchase Now