The Act of Describing In Fiction, Literary Fiction T Describing something is like using it – it destroys: the act of describing, like the act of looking, changes objects. Georges Perec – La Vie Mode d’Emploi Purchase Now Georges Perec La Vie Mode d’Emploi FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Multiple Paths and Destinations In Fiction, Literary Fiction M There are many ways to reach the same point, just as there might be many different points within the same way. Georges Perec – La Vie Mode d’Emploi Purchase Now
Conquering Personal Space In Fiction, Literary Fiction C Space is a doubt: I have constantly to mark it, to designate it. It’s never mine, never given to me, I have to conquer it. Georges Perec – La Vie Mode d’Emploi Purchase Now
Endings Within Beginnings In Fiction, Literary Fiction E The end is in the beginning and yet you go on. Georges Perec – La Vie Mode d’Emploi Purchase Now
Puzzle Without Problems In Fiction, Literary Fiction P The puzzle is that there is no puzzle: the problem is that there is no problem. Georges Perec – La Vie Mode d’Emploi Purchase Now
Understanding and Memory In Fiction, Literary Fiction U We remember what we understand; we understand only what we pay attention to; we pay attention to what we want. Georges Perec – La Vie Mode d’Emploi Purchase Now