Rugby’s Paradox In Comedy, Fiction R Rugby is a game for barbarians played by gentlemen. Spike Milligan – Puckoon Purchase Now Puckoon Spike Milligan FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Infectious Smiles In Comedy, Fiction I Smiling is infectious, You can catch it like the flu. Someone smiled at me today, And I started smiling too. Spike Milligan – Puckoon Purchase Now
Humorous Compliance In Comedy, Fiction H Are you going to come quietly, or do I have to use earplugs? Spike Milligan – Puckoon Purchase Now
Body’s Irony In Comedy, Fiction B Why do we have noses that run and feet that smell? Spike Milligan – Puckoon Purchase Now
Money vs. Happiness In Comedy, Fiction M Money can’t buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery. Spike Milligan – Puckoon Purchase Now
Irish Thirst Quip In Comedy, Fiction I Many people die of thirst but the Irish are born with one. Spike Milligan – Puckoon Purchase Now