Phenomena of Nature In Classic Literature, Fiction, Science Fiction P There is nothing more beautiful than to know all the phenomena of nature. Find them out and describe them. Jules Verne – Journey to the Center of the Earth Purchase Now Journey to the Center of the Earth Jules Verne FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
We Are Living Machines In Classic Literature, Fiction, Science Fiction W We are not human beings any longer; we are nothing but living machines. Jules Verne – Journey to the Center of the Earth Purchase Now
Discovering Mental Logarithms In Classic Literature, Fiction, Science Fiction D I had discovered a tablet of mental logarithms, a collection of formulas and a book of reference. Jules Verne – Journey to the Center of the Earth Purchase Now
The Truth In Science: Learning From Useful Mistakes In Classic Literature, Fiction, Science Fiction T Science, my boy, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth. Jules Verne – Journey to the Center of the Earth Purchase Now
Leaving a Man Alone in the Center of the Earth In Classic Literature, Fiction, Science Fiction L It is a serious matter to leave a man alone in the center of the earth. Jules Verne – Journey to the Center of the Earth Purchase Now
The Unaccountable Tale: Surviving Against All Odds In Classic Literature, Fiction, Science Fiction T The most unaccountable feature of the whole affair is the fact that I should have lived to tell it. Jules Verne – Journey to the Center of the Earth Purchase Now