Not Repine In Classic Literature, Comedy, Fiction N We must not repine; it is the common lot of humanity. Charles Dickens – The Pickwick Papers Purchase Now Charles Dickens The Pickwick Papers FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Understood Before Speaking In Classic Literature, Comedy, Fiction U There is nothing so comfortable as to feel that you are understood before you speak, and that your motives are apprehended before they are explained. Charles Dickens – The Pickwick Papers Purchase Now
Talking Poetry In Classic Literature, Comedy, Fiction T Poetry’s unnat’ral; no man ever talked poetry ‘cept a beadle on boxin’ day. Charles Dickens – The Pickwick Papers Purchase Now
Life’s Chains In Classic Literature, Fiction, Literary Fiction L We forge the chains we wear in life. Charles Dickens – Martin Chuzzlewit Purchase Now
Strange Mutability In Classic Literature, Comedy, Fiction S I am ruminating on the strange mutability of human affairs. Charles Dickens – The Pickwick Papers Purchase Now
Hunting Passion In Classic Literature, Fiction, Literary Fiction H There is a passion for hunting something deeply implanted in the human breast. Charles Dickens – Martin Chuzzlewit Purchase Now