No Bad Food In Fiction, Thriller N There is no such thing as bad food, only bad chefs. John Lanchester – The Debt to Pleasure Purchase Now John Lanchester The Debt to Pleasure FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Language Like Poppies In Fiction, Thriller L Language is like poppies. It just takes something to churn the earth round them up, and when it does up come the sleeping words, bright red, fresh, blowing about. John Lanchester – The Debt to Pleasure Purchase Now
Anxiety and Conscience In Fiction, Thriller A Anxiety is the beginning of conscience, which is the parent of the soul but is not compatible with innocence. John Lanchester – The Debt to Pleasure Purchase Now
Unknown Future In Fiction, Thriller U The future is, of course, an unknown country, but one in which we all have to seek citizenship. John Lanchester – The Debt to Pleasure Purchase Now
Solo Travel Merits In Fiction, Thriller S There is a great deal to be said for traveling alone, and undistracted, in the pursuit of knowledge. John Lanchester – The Debt to Pleasure Purchase Now
Unreliable Memory In Fiction, Thriller U Memory, I realize, can be an unreliable thing; often it is heavily coloured by the circumstances in which one remembers… John Lanchester – The Debt to Pleasure Purchase Now