Mental Imagery In Fiction, Literary M Your brain at this moment is composed of brigades of tiny Bolivian soldiers. Jay McInerney – Bright Lights, Big City Purchase Now Bright Lights, Big City Jay McInerney FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Reputation In Fiction, Literary R A man with no enemies is a man with no character. Jay McInerney – Bright Lights, Big City Purchase Now
Honesty In Fiction, Literary H Discretion is not the better part of biography. Jay McInerney – Bright Lights, Big City Purchase Now
Friendship In Fiction, Literary F You have friends, friends who can be counted on to call you up and take you out and talk to you until you come back to your senses. Jay McInerney – Bright Lights, Big City Purchase Now
Pursuit In Fiction, Literary P The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase; if you pursue happiness you’ll never find it. Jay McInerney – Bright Lights, Big City Purchase Now
Cynicism In Fiction, Literary C Everything becomes symbol and irony when you’ve been betrayed. Jay McInerney – Bright Lights, Big City Purchase Now