Meditation & Explosion In Non-fiction, Science M Swimming is both meditation and explosion—it’s a quiet riot. Bonnie Tsui – Why We Swim Purchase Now Bonnie Tsui Why We Swim FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Trust In Non-fiction, Science T The act of swimming is an act of trust—in the body, in the water, in the unknown. Bonnie Tsui – Why We Swim Purchase Now
Freedom In Non-fiction, Science F Swimming is the closest thing we have to flying. Bonnie Tsui – Why We Swim Purchase Now
Memories In Non-fiction, Science M The water holds memories, and to swim is to remember. Bonnie Tsui – Why We Swim Purchase Now
Storytelling In Non-fiction, Science S Each stroke is a word, a sentence, a story. Bonnie Tsui – Why We Swim Purchase Now
Personal Narratives In Non-fiction, Science P Every swim has a story, just like every swimmer. Bonnie Tsui – Why We Swim Purchase Now