Media Influence In History, Non-fiction M The man who controls the news, controls the views. Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward – All the President’s Men Purchase Now All the President's Men Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Disregarding Truth In History, Non-fiction D They tried to make the truth irrelevant. Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward – All the President’s Men Purchase Now
Political Truths In History, Non-fiction P In the business of politics, the truth often gets left out. Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward – All the President’s Men Purchase Now
Social Resistance In History, Non-fiction S To resist the draft is to resist the society that tolerates it. Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward – All the President’s Men Purchase Now
Symbolic Power In History, Non-fiction S The most powerful man in America is President. But the most powerful man in Washington is the doorman at the White House. Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward – All the President’s Men Purchase Now
Suspicious Coincidences In History, Non-fiction S All this was too much coincidence to be a coincidence. Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward – All the President’s Men Purchase Now