Life’s Tragic Misunderstanding In Fiction, Literary Fiction L The real tragedy of life is always a tragedy of misunderstanding. Joyce Cary – Mister Johnson Purchase Now Joyce Cary Mister Johnson FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Joy of Being Loved In Fiction, Literary Fiction J There is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort. Joyce Cary – Mister Johnson Purchase Now
Conquering Happiness In Fiction, Literary Fiction C Happiness is like those palaces in fairy tales whose gates are guarded by dragons: we must fight in order to conquer it. Joyce Cary – Mister Johnson Purchase Now
Becoming Lovable In Fiction, Literary Fiction B If you want to be loved, be lovable. Joyce Cary – Mister Johnson Purchase Now
Time Reveals Truth In Fiction, Literary Fiction T Time, which sees all things, has found you out. Joyce Cary – Mister Johnson Purchase Now
Action Over Sentiments In Fiction, Literary Fiction A Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action. Joyce Cary – Mister Johnson Purchase Now