Humility Before Nature In Comedy, Fiction H Mountains have a way of dealing with overconfidence. W.E. Bowman – The Ascent of Rum Doodle Purchase Now The Ascent of Rum Doodle WE Bowman FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Discovering Truth In Comedy, Fiction D We had pierced the veneer of outside things. W.E. Bowman – The Ascent of Rum Doodle Purchase Now
Intentions to Work In Comedy, Fiction I The best plan is only good intentions unless it degenerates into work. W.E. Bowman – The Ascent of Rum Doodle Purchase Now
Inspiration from Mountains In Comedy, Fiction I The experienced mountaineer is not intimidated by a mountain—he is inspired by it. W.E. Bowman – The Ascent of Rum Doodle Purchase Now
Brief Summit Moments In Comedy, Fiction B One does not conquer a mountain, one stands on the summit a brief moment and then retires gracefully. W.E. Bowman – The Ascent of Rum Doodle Purchase Now
Persisting Despite Odds In Comedy, Fiction P There was something grandly futile in our persistence. W.E. Bowman – The Ascent of Rum Doodle Purchase Now