Fooling People In Comedy, Fiction F You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, which is just long enough to be president of the United States. Spike Milligan – Puckoon Purchase Now Puckoon Spike Milligan FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Infectious Smiles In Comedy, Fiction I Smiling is infectious, You can catch it like the flu. Someone smiled at me today, And I started smiling too. Spike Milligan – Puckoon Purchase Now
Rugby’s Paradox In Comedy, Fiction R Rugby is a game for barbarians played by gentlemen. Spike Milligan – Puckoon Purchase Now
Money vs. Happiness In Comedy, Fiction M Money can’t buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery. Spike Milligan – Puckoon Purchase Now
Planless Advantage In Comedy, Fiction P We haven’t got a plan so nothing can go wrong! Spike Milligan – Puckoon Purchase Now
Body’s Irony In Comedy, Fiction B Why do we have noses that run and feet that smell? Spike Milligan – Puckoon Purchase Now