Era of Perfectibility In Fiction, Thriller E The defining characteristic of the modern era is perfectibility, the belief that everything can be infinitely improved. John Lanchester – The Debt to Pleasure Purchase Now John Lanchester The Debt to Pleasure FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Wine and Opera Analogy In Fiction, Thriller W Wine is like opera. You can get very cheap seats, they don’t feel comfortable and the view is restricted but it’s still the same show. John Lanchester – The Debt to Pleasure Purchase Now
Unreliable Memory In Fiction, Thriller U Memory, I realize, can be an unreliable thing; often it is heavily coloured by the circumstances in which one remembers… John Lanchester – The Debt to Pleasure Purchase Now
Unknown Future In Fiction, Thriller U The future is, of course, an unknown country, but one in which we all have to seek citizenship. John Lanchester – The Debt to Pleasure Purchase Now
Life Becomes Literature In Fiction, Thriller L I had as yet no notion that life every now and then becomes literature not for long, of course, but long enough to be what we best remember. John Lanchester – The Debt to Pleasure Purchase Now
Anxiety and Conscience In Fiction, Thriller A Anxiety is the beginning of conscience, which is the parent of the soul but is not compatible with innocence. John Lanchester – The Debt to Pleasure Purchase Now