Envy In Fiction, Literary Fiction E Some folks rail against other folks, because other folks have what some folks would be glad of. Henry Fielding – Tom Jones Purchase Now Henry Fielding Tom Jones FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Authenticity in Acting In Comedy, Fiction A When I am playing a part, I am myself. Henry Fielding – Joseph Andrews Purchase Now
Life as Jest In Comedy, Fiction L Life itself is a jest; and a very poor one too. Henry Fielding – Joseph Andrews Purchase Now
Devil’s Advocate In Fiction, Literary Fiction D An apology for the devil: it must be remembered that we have heard one side of the case. God has written all the books. Henry Fielding – Tom Jones Purchase Now
Vanity’s Discomfort In Comedy, Fiction V Vanity is as ill at ease under indifference as tenderness is under a love which it cannot return. Henry Fielding – Joseph Andrews Purchase Now
Honest Sagacious Counsel In Comedy, Fiction H It is not enough that your counsel is honest: he must be sagacious. Henry Fielding – Joseph Andrews Purchase Now