Effects of Charity In Comedy, Fiction E Charity and beating have this in common: the latter makes a rogue ’tis true, while the former makes only a lazy fellow. Henry Fielding – Joseph Andrews Purchase Now Henry Fielding Joseph Andrews FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Prudence vs Tenderness In Comedy, Fiction P The prudence of the best heads is often defeated by tenderness of the best hearts. Henry Fielding – Joseph Andrews Purchase Now
Scandal In Fiction, Literary Fiction S Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea. Henry Fielding – Tom Jones Purchase Now
Honest Sagacious Counsel In Comedy, Fiction H It is not enough that your counsel is honest: he must be sagacious. Henry Fielding – Joseph Andrews Purchase Now
Audacity In Fiction, Literary Fiction A Fortune makes her court to the bold, and is tamed by audacity. Henry Fielding – Tom Jones Purchase Now
Perpetual Motion In Fiction, Literary Fiction P Neither love nor fire can subsist without perpetual motion; both cease to live so soon as they cease to hope, or to fear. Henry Fielding – Tom Jones Purchase Now