Death Settles Debts In Comedy, Fiction D He that dies pays all debts. Michael Green – Squire Haggard’s Journal Purchase Now Michael Green Squire Haggard’s Journal FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Adversity vs. Prosperity In Comedy, Fiction A Adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters. Michael Green – Squire Haggard’s Journal Purchase Now
Hope for the Poor In Comedy, Fiction H Hope is the poor man’s bread. Michael Green – Squire Haggard’s Journal Purchase Now
Foolish Words Spoken In Comedy, Fiction F A fool and his words are soon parted. Michael Green – Squire Haggard’s Journal Purchase Now
Wine’s Dual Nature In Comedy, Fiction W Wine is a turncoat; first a friend, then an enemy. Michael Green – Squire Haggard’s Journal Purchase Now
Blindness of Love In Comedy, Fiction B Love is blind, as well as hatred. Michael Green – Squire Haggard’s Journal Purchase Now