Committee Inefficacy In Comedy, Fiction C Committee—a group of men who individually can do nothing but as a group decide that nothing can be done. Randall Jarrell – Pictures from an Institution Purchase Now Pictures from an Institution Randall Jarrell FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Adults Forget Childhood In Comedy, Fiction A One of the most obvious facts about grown-ups to a child is that they have forgotten what it is like to be a child. Randall Jarrell – Pictures from an Institution Purchase Now
Discontent in Prosperity In Comedy, Fiction D The people who live in a golden age usually go around complaining how yellow everything looks. Randall Jarrell – Pictures from an Institution Purchase Now
Happiness Through Struggle In Comedy, Fiction H Happiness is a by-product of function, purpose, and conflict; those who seek happiness for itself seek victory without war. Randall Jarrell – Pictures from an Institution Purchase Now
Soul’s Darkest Hour In Comedy, Fiction S The dark night of the soul is always three o’clock in the morning. Randall Jarrell – Pictures from an Institution Purchase Now
The Essence of Teaching In Comedy, Fiction T Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers, and teachers. Randall Jarrell – Pictures from an Institution Purchase Now