Charity and Justice In Fiction, Satirical C Charity begins at home, and justice begins next door. John Mortimer – Titmuss Regained Purchase Now John Mortimer Titmuss Regained FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Compound Truth In Comedy, Fiction C The truth is always a compound of illusions. John Mortimer – Charade Purchase Now
Hope and Desperation In Fiction, Satirical H One must always hope when one is desperate, and doubt when one hopes. John Mortimer – Titmuss Regained Purchase Now
Actions Over Intentions In Comedy, Fiction A We are the sum of our actions, not our intentions. John Mortimer – Charade Purchase Now
Money’s Importance In Fiction, Satirical M When you’re young you think money is a big thing. As you get older, you realize it’s a huge thing. John Mortimer – Titmuss Regained Purchase Now
Intimate Reflection In Comedy, Fiction I Time spent on self-reflection is never wasted—it is an intimate date with oneself. John Mortimer – Charade Purchase Now