We carry our homes within us which enables us to fly.
Dinaw Mengestu – How to Read the Air
Internal home
We carry our homes within us which enables us to fly.
Dinaw Mengestu – How to Read the Air
What we fear is not being abandoned, but being forgotten.
Dinaw Mengestu – How to Read the Air
It is not true that the heart empties itself of all desires.
Per Petterson – I Curse the River of Time
Time does not heal all wounds; there are those that remain painfully open.
Per Petterson – I Curse the River of Time
I was always looking for something grand, and everything I found was small and mean.
Per Petterson – I Curse the River of Time
The river of time offers no harbors for refuge, only a rapids to be navigated.
Per Petterson – I Curse the River of Time
We try to make permanent what is by nature transient.
Per Petterson – I Curse the River of Time
In my fear, I believed in something bigger than myself.
Per Petterson – I Curse the River of Time
There were moments when I felt more clearly than ever that I was in the company of my own person.
Per Petterson – I Curse the River of Time
One can pretend to be serious; one cannot pretend to be witty.
Per Petterson – I Curse the River of Time