The deepest secrets always lie in the places you’ve been taught not to look.
Anthony Doerr – Memory Wall
Hidden secrets
The deepest secrets always lie in the places you’ve been taught not to look.
Anthony Doerr – Memory Wall
Time might be a river. But memory is a stone.
Anthony Doerr – Memory Wall
Every hour, she thinks, someone for whom the war was memory falls out of the world.
Anthony Doerr – Memory Wall
Memories can make us stronger. They’re the architecture of our identities.
Anthony Doerr – Memory Wall
What is a memory but a ghost of a moment, haunting us forever?
Anthony Doerr – Memory Wall
Sometimes all it takes is a tiny shift of perspective to see something familiar in a totally new light.
Anthony Doerr – Memory Wall
Our memories are our most cherished possessions.
Anthony Doerr – Memory Wall
We return to certain memories more often than others, polishing them into little shining gems.
Anthony Doerr – Memory Wall
A memory does not fade, it simply moves to a quieter room in the mind.
Anthony Doerr – Memory Wall
To forget is to let the sediment of life cover the past.
Anthony Doerr – Memory Wall