Angel Uniqueness In Fantasy, Fiction A Angels are like diamonds. They can’t be made, you have to find them. Each one is unique. Danielle Trussoni – Angelology Purchase Now Angelology Danielle Trussoni FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Wisdom’s Price In Fantasy, Fiction W Wisdom comes at a price, and the price is innocence. Danielle Trussoni – Angelology Purchase Now
Obvious Deceptions In Fantasy, Fiction O There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact. Danielle Trussoni – Angelology Purchase Now
Judging Courage In Fantasy, Fiction J Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. Danielle Trussoni – Angelology Purchase Now
Personal Perception In Fantasy, Fiction P We are all prisoners of our own perception. Danielle Trussoni – Angelology Purchase Now
Reason vs. Heart In Fantasy, Fiction R The heart has reasons that reason cannot know. Danielle Trussoni – Angelology Purchase Now