Accepting Authority In Comedy, Fiction A One must lie low, no matter how much it went against the grain, and try to understand that this great organization remained, so to speak, in eternal equilibrium. Frank Kafka – The Castle Purchase Now Franz Kafka The Castle FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Sin and Knowledge In Comedy, Fiction S We are sinful not only because we have eaten of the Tree of Knowledge, but also because we have not yet eaten of the tree of life. Frank Kafka – The Castle Purchase Now
Necessity Over Truth In Comedy, Fiction N There’s no need to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary. Frank Kafka – The Castle Purchase Now
Power of Belief In Comedy, Fiction P Believing means liberating the indestructible element in oneself, or better: being indestructible, or better still: being. Frank Kafka – The Castle Purchase Now
Mysterious Authorities In Comedy, Fiction M The authorities don’t tell us their reasons, they just give us their orders. Frank Kafka – The Castle Purchase Now
Humanity Over Orders In Comedy, Fiction H Orders are orders, but in spite of that we’re human beings and can take pity on a fellow man. Frank Kafka – The Castle Purchase Now