Honest Sagacious Counsel In Comedy, Fiction H It is not enough that your counsel is honest: he must be sagacious. Henry Fielding – Joseph Andrews Purchase Now Henry Fielding Joseph Andrews FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Effects of Charity In Comedy, Fiction E Charity and beating have this in common: the latter makes a rogue ’tis true, while the former makes only a lazy fellow. Henry Fielding – Joseph Andrews Purchase Now
Universal Grin In Fiction, Literary Fiction U All Nature wears one universal grin. Henry Fielding – Tom Jones Purchase Now
Modesty and Lewdness In Comedy, Fiction M A modest woman is to a lewd man what a gamester is to a cheat. Henry Fielding – Joseph Andrews Purchase Now
Sensitivity of the Good In Comedy, Fiction S A good person hath the quickest sense of pain. Henry Fielding – Joseph Andrews Purchase Now
Envy In Fiction, Literary Fiction E Some folks rail against other folks, because other folks have what some folks would be glad of. Henry Fielding – Tom Jones Purchase Now