Cry for Attention In Comedy, Fiction C We are all of us born shouting out for attention, if we’re not born dead. Philip Roth – Portnoy’s Complaint Purchase Now Philip Roth Portnoy’s Complaint FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Truth vs. Coercion In Comedy, Fiction T You can no more make someone tell the truth than you can force someone to love you. Philip Roth – Portnoy’s Complaint Purchase Now
Life’s Irreconcilable Conflicts In Comedy, Fiction L Because that is just what life is, full of irreconcilable conflicts and false starts and botched efforts. Philip Roth – Portnoy’s Complaint Purchase Now
Pleasure of Presence In Comedy, Fiction P The pleasure isn’t in owning the person. The pleasure is this. Having another contender in the room with you. Philip Roth – Portnoy’s Complaint Purchase Now
Life’s Cruel Comedy In Comedy, Fiction L Life is a comedy written by a sadistic comedy writer. Philip Roth – Portnoy’s Complaint Purchase Now
Mother’s Influence In Comedy, Fiction M She was so deeply embedded in my consciousness that for the first year of school I seem to have believed that each of my teachers was my mother in disguise. Philip Roth – Portnoy’s Complaint Purchase Now