Life and Death Sunrise In Comedy, Fiction L I am the Raskolnikov of jerking off… Philip Roth – Portnoy’s Complaint Purchase Now Philip Roth Portnoy’s Complaint FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Charm of Money In Comedy, Fiction C Money is absolutely unambiguous. Hence its charm. Philip Roth – Portnoy’s Complaint Purchase Now
Life’s Cruel Comedy In Comedy, Fiction L Life is a comedy written by a sadistic comedy writer. Philip Roth – Portnoy’s Complaint Purchase Now
Perpetual Adolescence In Comedy, Fiction P A Jewish man with parents alive is a fifteen-year-old boy, and will remain a fifteen-year-old boy until they die! Philip Roth – Portnoy’s Complaint Purchase Now
Cry for Attention In Comedy, Fiction C We are all of us born shouting out for attention, if we’re not born dead. Philip Roth – Portnoy’s Complaint Purchase Now
Truth vs. Coercion In Comedy, Fiction T You can no more make someone tell the truth than you can force someone to love you. Philip Roth – Portnoy’s Complaint Purchase Now