Existence: A Brief Light In Comic Novel, Fiction, Literary Fiction E Our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness. Vladimir Nabokov – Pnin Purchase Now Pnin Vladimir Nabokov FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Environment Change In Fiction, Literary E A change of environment is the traditional fallacy upon which doomed loves, and lungs, rely. Vladimir Nabokov – Pale Fire Purchase Now
Word Burrowing In Fiction, Literary W Let us not burrow and delve beneath a word for a larva or a corpse. Vladimir Nabokov – Pale Fire Purchase Now
Brain Deterioration In Fiction, Literary B Our brains are bound to deteriorate, but we are not. Vladimir Nabokov – Pale Fire Purchase Now
Artistic Cage In Fiction, Literary A We are most artistically caged. Vladimir Nabokov – Pale Fire Purchase Now
Against Happy Endings In Comic Novel, Fiction, Literary Fiction A Some people—and I am one of them—hate happy ends. We feel cheated. Harm is the norm. Vladimir Nabokov – Pnin Purchase Now