Blame Not the Mirror In Comedy, Fiction B It is no use to blame the looking glass if your face is awry. Nikolai Gogol – Dead Souls Purchase Now Dead Souls Nikolai Gogol FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Purpose of the Nose In Comedy, Fiction P The nose is for breathing, and so long as it breathes, it doesn’t matter whether it’s big or small. Nikolai Gogol – Dead Souls Purchase Now
The Sadness in Humor In Comedy, Fiction T The longer and more carefully we look at a funny story, the sadder it becomes. Nikolai Gogol – Dead Souls Purchase Now
Work and Life’s Quality In Comedy, Fiction W When work is a pleasure, life is a joy! When work is a duty, life is slavery. Nikolai Gogol – Dead Souls Purchase Now
Power of Apt Words In Comedy, Fiction P A word aptly spoken or written cannot be cut away by an axe. Nikolai Gogol – Dead Souls Purchase Now
Joy Amidst Sorrow In Comedy, Fiction J Everywhere across whatever sorrows of which our life is woven, some radiant joy will gaily flash past. Nikolai Gogol – Dead Souls Purchase Now