Woman’s Courage Unveiled In Comedy, Fiction W There are occasions when a woman, no matter how weak and modest, has the courage of a lion. Nikolai Gogol – Dead Souls Purchase Now Dead Souls Nikolai Gogol FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Unconventional Starters In Comedy, Fiction U There are some people who begin the Zoo at the letter Z. Nikolai Gogol – Dead Souls Purchase Now
Work and Life’s Quality In Comedy, Fiction W When work is a pleasure, life is a joy! When work is a duty, life is slavery. Nikolai Gogol – Dead Souls Purchase Now
The Right of Ideas In Comedy, Fiction T An idea once born has not only a right to exist but a sort of hereditary privilege to go on existing. Nikolai Gogol – Dead Souls Purchase Now
Freedom of Thought In Comedy, Fiction F Our thought flies; it is light, it is free, and when it is dark, it still finds its way. There is nothing to be afraid of. Nikolai Gogol – Dead Souls Purchase Now
Wisdom in Non-Understanding In Comedy, Fiction W But wise is he who does not strive to understand life; a crow does not rip open a dog carcass. Nikolai Gogol – Dead Souls Purchase Now