The Uniqueness of Experience In Comedy, Fiction T You can’t understand anything in terms of anything else, everything is just what it is. David Lodge – Nice Work Purchase Now David Lodge Nice Work FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Death as Relief In Comedy, Fiction D Death is like a really effective decongestant, isn’t it? David Lodge – Changing Places Purchase Now
Forced Humor In Comedy, Fiction F A man who voluntarily tries to be funny is a pretty pathetic creature. David Lodge – Changing Places Purchase Now
Envy and Imitation In Comedy, Fiction E It is very rare for an American to envy someone without wanting also to be like him. David Lodge – Changing Places Purchase Now
Masterpiece Creation In Comedy, Fiction M The true function of a writer is to produce a masterpiece and no other task is of any consequence. David Lodge – Changing Places Purchase Now
Love Letters’ Language In Comedy, Fiction L The language of love letters is the same as suicide notes. David Lodge – Nice Work Purchase Now