Life: Problem or Pattern? In Comedy, Fiction L They say that life is a problem, but perhaps it is a pattern. Eric Hodgkins – Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House Purchase Now Eric Hodgkins Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Desire’s Endless Cycle In Comedy, Fiction D It’s a curious thing that the more you get, the more you want. Eric Hodgkins – Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House Purchase Now
Resources in Effort In Comedy, Fiction R Money, time, and energy are the fundamental currency of effort. Eric Hodgkins – Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House Purchase Now
Building: Practical Romance In Comedy, Fiction B Building is at once the most practical and the most romantic of arts. Eric Hodgkins – Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House Purchase Now
Learning by Doing In Comedy, Fiction L The only way to find out about these things is to plunge in and learn as you go along. Eric Hodgkins – Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House Purchase Now
Plans Going Awry In Comedy, Fiction P The best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray. Eric Hodgkins – Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House Purchase Now