Frustration Breeds Invention In Comedy, Fiction F Necessity may be the mother of invention, but frustration is often its father. Eric Hodgkins – Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House Purchase Now Eric Hodgkins Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Theory Versus Facts In Comedy, Fiction T One should never spoil a good theory by confronting it with facts. Eric Hodgkins – Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House Purchase Now
The Cost of Worry In Comedy, Fiction T Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble. Eric Hodgkins – Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House Purchase Now
Desire’s Endless Cycle In Comedy, Fiction D It’s a curious thing that the more you get, the more you want. Eric Hodgkins – Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House Purchase Now
Compromise Builds Bonds In Comedy, Fiction C Compromise is the best cement for building human relationships. Eric Hodgkins – Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House Purchase Now
Learning by Doing In Comedy, Fiction L The only way to find out about these things is to plunge in and learn as you go along. Eric Hodgkins – Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House Purchase Now