Self-Awareness Impact In Comedy, Fiction, Literary Fiction S The greatest boons and the greatest curses of life is self-awareness. Joyce Cary – The Horse’s Mouth Purchase Now James Joyce The Horse’s Mouth FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Truth’s Consequence In Comedy, Fiction, Literary Fiction T The truth is like fire; to tell the truth means to glow and burn. Joyce Cary – The Horse’s Mouth Purchase Now
Betrayal In Modernist Novel B Shem was a sham and a low sham and his lowness creeped out first via foodstuffs. James Joyce – Finnegans Wake Purchase Now
Artist in Everyone In Comedy, Fiction, Literary Fiction A The artist isn’t a special kind of man, but every man is a special kind of artist. Joyce Cary – The Horse’s Mouth Purchase Now
Genius Perspective In Comedy, Fiction, Literary Fiction G Every man of genius sees the world at a different angle from his fellows, and there is his tragedy. Joyce Cary – The Horse’s Mouth Purchase Now
Unfulfilled Potential In Comedy, Fiction, Literary Fiction U It’s not what you are, it’s what you don’t become that hurts. Joyce Cary – The Horse’s Mouth Purchase Now