Justice’s Accessibility In Fiction, Satirical J Justice is open to everyone in the same way as the Ritz Hotel. John Mortimer – Titmuss Regained Purchase Now John Mortimer Titmuss Regained FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Actions Over Intentions In Comedy, Fiction A We are the sum of our actions, not our intentions. John Mortimer – Charade Purchase Now
Direction in Life In Fiction, Satirical D If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. John Mortimer – Titmuss Regained Purchase Now
Society’s True Nature In Fiction, Satirical S There’s no such thing as society. There are individual men and women and there are families. John Mortimer – Titmuss Regained Purchase Now
Power and Corruption In Fiction, Satirical P Power doesn’t corrupt people, people corrupt power. John Mortimer – Titmuss Regained Purchase Now
Competitive Life Reality In Fiction, Satirical C In every move, someone had to win and someone had to lose. John Mortimer – Titmuss Regained Purchase Now