Whisky Balance In Comedy, Fiction W A little whisky is a dangerous thing; a lot is just enough. Compton Mackenzie – Whisky Galore Purchase Now Compton Mackenzie Whisky Galore FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Agreeable Interlude In Comedy, Fiction A The light music of whisky falling into glasses made an agreeable interlude. Compton Mackenzie – Whisky Galore Purchase Now
Whisky Proximity In Comedy, Fiction W It’s a well-known fact that the Highlanders like to keep their whisky within reach. Compton Mackenzie – Whisky Galore Purchase Now
Sleep & Whisky In Comedy, Fiction S The water of life comes from the stream, but the gift of sleep comes from whisky. Compton Mackenzie – Whisky Galore Purchase Now
Joyful Tail-Wagging In Comedy, Fiction J In times of joy, all of us wished we possessed a tail we could wag. Compton Mackenzie – Whisky Galore Purchase Now
Whisky Hoarding In Comedy, Fiction W A man who hoards his whisky is like a dog that buries bones. Compton Mackenzie – Whisky Galore Purchase Now