Life’s Fleeting Nature In Fiction, Thriller L Every life is a bucket of water; sooner or later that bucket gets kicked over. Stephen King – The Green Mile Purchase Now Stephen King The Green Mile FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
Healing Tears’ Power In Fiction, Horror H The tears that heal are also the tears that scald and scourge. Stephen King – The Shining Purchase Now
Miracles Defy Nature In Fiction, Thriller M Miracles happen, not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature. Stephen King – The Green Mile Purchase Now
Death-Row’s Dual Nature In Fiction, Thriller D Death-row is a nightmare for sane men, but for the madmen, it’s the one final haven of sanity. Stephen King – The Green Mile Purchase Now
Power of Atonement In Fiction, Thriller P Atonement was powerful; it was the lock on the door you closed against the past. Stephen King – The Green Mile Purchase Now
Punishment vs. Cruelty In Fiction, Thriller P Punishment is just for the guilty. Anything else is cruelty. Stephen King – The Green Mile Purchase Now